Cats are known for being proud and particular pets, and that doesn’t stop when it comes to what they eat! Like us, each cat will have their own favourite food and flavours, so fussy eating cats might turn their nose up at something that doesn’t tantalise their taste buds.
If you find that your feline is being especially fussy, or that your cat is not eating at all, there are certain things you can try to get them gobbling up their dinner. However, if your cat is off their food for more than a day this can lead to serious complications including hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver). Contact a vet for advice if the following tips don’t improve your cat’s appetite soon.
Why is your fussy cat not eating?
Cats can be very fussy eaters, and this can be exacerbated by some of the factors listed below. Anorexia can also be a symptom of illness or disease, so you should seek veterinary advice if your cat has not eaten for more than 24 hours. Here are 10 possible reasons why your cat is not eating:
1. Lack of routine
Establishing a routine is the first step to nip fussy eating in the bud. Stick to a feeding plan of meals at set times of day rather than allowing free feeding, as this can help to establish routine around mealtimes.
Chopping and changing how, when and what you feed your cat can be disruptive and cause them to turn down their dinner.
2. Too many treats
If you think your cat is a fussy eater and notice that they’re being very picky, be patient. If you try to tempt a cat not eating much with your own tit bits or cat treats, they’ll soon learn that they can get a tasty reward for refusing their own food.