Cat kneading, also known as 'making biscuits' is an adorable behaviour, usually seen when they're having a good fuss! You may be wondering why they do this and want to discover the reasoning behind the behaviour, which is why we've put together this handy guide to tell you everything you need to know.
Cat kneading is a common cat behaviour, often displayed as the rhythmic pushing of their paws in and out at alternating times. Many people think that it looks like they’re kneading dough, which is why it’s also adorably known as ‘making biscuits’. Cats love to do this on soft surfaces like cosy blankets, squishy cushions, or most commonly your lap when they’re having a good fuss!
If you have a cat that does this, you may be wondering why do cats knead? Which is why we’ve put together this article so you can find out the truth behind your feline friend’s baking habits.
What is cat kneading?
Most cats will knead, but not all will do it in the same way. Where the motion of their paws usually remains the same, the accompanying actions may differ. Some will purr really loudly, where others may do it quietly, others may do it with just their front paws, whereas some will put their all into it and use all four. Most cats will at least display the classic making biscuits action. Additionally, whilst cats knead it’s not unusual for them to appear to be in a trance-like state and look almost glazed over. This just means that they’re completely relaxed.