Redirected hunting games are often seen in indoor cats that have limited opportunities to express their natural predatory behaviour, which is why they may sometimes lie in wait behind a door and pounce on you as you pass. As with most cat behaviour problems it’s best to ignore it.
Stand still, be silent and don’t react. If you do nothing, your cat will lose interest. If you suspect they’re about to pounce on you, divert their attention by rolling a toy across the room for them to chase.
Sometimes, your cat will seem to become fixated on another animal or object, such as the sight of a bird through the window, and you can clearly see from their body language that they’ve gone into ‘predator mode’. Talking to them in a reassuring voice before approaching them can help snap them out of their focused state or try rolling a ball of paper past them to distract them safely.
Cat behaviour problems associated with aggression
There are several scenarios that would prompt a cat to react with aggression. It’s important to recognise which type of aggression it is to try and find an appropriate solution. Here are the most common types, but it's important to remember that it's a dangerous situation, and you should consult with your vet if your cat is aggressive:
Aggression that occurs during play
Play aggression occurs more often than you might think. It can in some cases result in injuries to people and can involve stalking, grasping, biting, scratching, attacking, or pouncing. Your cat might turn aggressive during play when they’re under-stimulated or have an excess of energy which they will try to get rid of by being overly active and hostile.
Maternal aggression
All mothers are known to be highly protective of their offspring, cats included. Maternal aggression takes place when the cat perceives a threat and feels like their kittens might be in danger. Normally, this would happen in the presence of other animals, but it can sometimes be directed towards people as well. However, maternal aggression shouldn’t last more than three to four weeks which is when the new-born kittens are at their most vulnerable.
Predatory aggression
Cats have predatory instincts and although it’s usually displayed towards other animals and birds, some might claim that it can also be directed towards people. However, it's hard to believe that cats see us as potential prey due to our large size (cats typically hunt prey much smaller than themselves). When they try to "hunt" us, it's usually because they are playing with parts of our body (hands or feet, mainly), not because they have a real intention of hunting and killing us.
However, as mentioned previously, if it hides and silently attacks as you walk down the hallway or tries to bite your hands or feet every time you move them, seek advice from your vet specialised in behavioural medicine.
Petting aggression
Unlike dogs, not all cats are not big fans of petting. Some can even find unpleasant or frightening (moreover, rarely, they might perceive it as painful). Pay close attention to your cat’s behaviour whenever you’re trying to pet them and try to notice what their trigger is. Maybe they only enjoy having their head or back touched so avoid touching their other body parts that trigger their aggression.
Food aggression in cats
This type of aggression is shown by cats towards other animals or people in their household who might come too close to their food. In these cases, your cat will perceive others as a threat and will do their best to keep them away by growling, hissing, or even attacking. Eating in the presence of other pets or people can cause stress and anxiety so in order to avoid food aggression in your cat, the best solution is to place their food in a secluded place where they can feel safe. However, it's important to highlight that it's much less common than, for example, in the case of dogs. Cats, due to their social characteristics, tend to be less competitive with food.
Aggression due to a lack of early socialisation
As the name indicates, cats that have not been properly socialized as kittens can grow up to become more aggressive. In this case, it is a fear-related aggression. If you have a multi-pet household and want to introduce such a cat to them, the best way to do this is by gradually exposing them to the others, one by one. With time, your cat could learn that there’s no reason to be frightened and protective.
Aggression related to fear
Some animals react to fear by showing aggression. This makes them feel in control and it’s a defence mechanism that has helped them survive so far. They will flatten their ears, show their teeth, hiss, and even attack, especially when they have no escape route. When this happens, your cat might feel threatened by something in the household so try to identify the reason and make sure your cat feels safe. Creating a safe area where the cat can take refuge can be very useful to prevent attacks; in other words, the cat should be provided with the opportunity to hide and avoid conflict situations if it deems it necessary.
Aggression to other cats at home
Cats can be quite solitary creatures, but they will usually get along quite happily with their feline family members. Many cats are very affectionate and loving with each other, while others will learn to tolerate each other and leave one another alone, providing they have enough space. But if their living area is too cramped, squabbles can erupt more often.