Whiskers do a lot more than making your kitty look cute, they also serve many important purposes! From working as a built-in measuring tape to helping with their close up vision, your cat's whiskers are truly amazing!
Your cat’s whiskers are an iconic part of their anatomy. Not only do they look incredibly cute and tickle us during the night, but they also have an important purpose. Serving as the ultimate sensory tool, their whiskers are nothing like hairs (although they might look like it) and are actually highly sensitive.
You may be wondering why do cats have whiskers and want to find out more about your fuzzy friend’s built-in radar system. Keep reading to discover everything about whiskers, from how they work to how they help cats navigate in the dark!
Why do cats have whiskers?
Your cat’s whiskers are truly multifunctional, but their most important purpose is as a sensory tool. The official title for them is vibrissae, which comes from Latin ‘vibrio’ and means ‘to vibrate’. The hair follicle of your cat’s whiskers is loaded with nerves, and the whisker tip features a sensory organ known as a proprioceptor. Together, this makes them incredibly sensitive to vibrations and changes in their environment, so cats use them like an additional sense to understand the world.
Additionally, whiskers are also much more deeply embedded in their body than normal fur hair, as they’re connected to the muscular and nervous system. This enables whiskers to send sensory messages to the brain about your cat’s surroundings, which is what makes them such savvy explorers!
We think cat’s whiskers are, well, the cat’s whiskers. Which is why we’ve put together our top 10 facts to tell you everything you need to know about your clever cat’s face fuzz: