All cats are special to their owners, but there are certain felines that have that extra charm in the form of extra toes. These are the polydactyl cats – beloved the world over, making amazing entries in the book of World Records, protected as historic treasure and, according to legend, bringing luck to their happy owners. In this article we’re exploring the amazing world of polydactyl cats and their origins, while offering essential information to owners that have welcomed cats with extra toes into their family.
What are polydactyl cats?
Polydactyl cats are cats that have extra toes on any of their feet. The word ‘polydactyl’ comes from the Greek language and simply means ‘many toes/fingers’. Go ahead and count your cat’s toes. If you’ve come up with the grand total of 18 toes, five on each paw in the front and four on each paw in the back, your cat is not polydactyl. A polydactyl cat will have at least 19 toes, and the highest recorded number of toes for a polydactyl cat is 28.
Why do cats have extra toes?
Cats with extra toes have a genetic mutation passed down through a dominant gene from one of the parents. Polydactyly can appear in any breed, but it has been noticed that Maine Coon cats tend to have higher chances of inheriting this trait.
How rare are polydactyl cats?
Contrary to popular belief, polydactyl cats are actually pretty common. If one parent has polydactylism there’s a 50% chance that their kittens will inherit it. Polydactyly is reported to be more common in Maine Coons, with an estimated 40% being polydactyl at one time; however there have since been efforts to breed this trait out of Maine Coons.
Do polydactyl cats live longer?
No, polydactyl cats are just like regular cats in terms of life expectancy. Cats usually live around 15 years, depending on their health and circumstances.